Monday 28 November 2011

Burning man, day 6 (Part 1 - henna, misting, mojitos, and THE BURN)

Okay, Saturday was my favourite day in so many different ways. It had the man burn, the epic walk we did after where tonnes of crazy shit happened, dancing, facepaint, henna, all the elements you could ever want. And we started the day really nicely too - me and Lucas went for a sleepy-assed bike ride and decided to pull over at a bar that was doing coffee and bloody Marys. We ended up staying there for a good hour, chatting peacefully with the other people on the barstools, including a dude who went out at 5am the previous day and managed to score a PLANE RIDE at the Black Rock City airport. How nuts is that?

Plus this bar was serving like, frozen watermelon, granola bars, orange juice - all good stuff. Didn't stop Lucas from having about four bloody Marys. We also had a great chat with some people who were from Oakland, who knew the Ruby Room bar that Cory took us too which was so cool and random. They had a makeup box, so I drew in glitter on Lucas's face, and painted his nails, wrote BONER MAN on his arm in permenant marker. lol. You're in no rush out there. I don't know how many hours passed, but I was feeling run-down so this was perfect. Given there's no actual plan, you might as well stop and do things like this. It was really lovely and just what we needed, a bit of peace (p.s frozen watermelon is the absolute shit in the desert oh my god)

We come back and find people in a lovely mood as well. Back at the camp, I got some Henna done by a really nice woman called Kindle, who did my face, hands and chest while everyone watched lol. It was great, and I loved how it looked but I didn't realise how much of a challenge it would be trying not to get it to flake off completely! I put on some funny outfit stuff and a couple of nice old people on a golf buggy said "Ohhh that is CUTE let me take a picture" and then gave us a bag of jellybeans, lol. I felt very swish B-)

We decided to go on an adventure and start by hitting up the misting tent again - someone actually built a tent that sprays out mist inside in a contained water-proof lining and it is just the best thing EVER. We went there about three or four times, and went to find jets to stand under. We went in there for a bit, then across the road to the Danish/Pirate bar where I promptly completely fell asleep for about 15 minutes on a sofa. Dave decided he fancied a bit of time back at the camp, and I believe he went off with Tarmo on the bikes, whereas me, Lucas and Espen went on a bit of an exploring mission, mostly to stop by BRC Lemonade again, haha. We also checked out the bar some people had mentioned to us - it was super cool but we never managed to make it back there again, but the main feature was you could climb on the roof and there was a hanging, circular bed, swooshing gently in the breeze. How awesome would it be to be up there with pints and all your friends, at night, in the desert, surrounding by flaming torches. Although I almost fell off going down the ladder given I had henna on my hands and was trying not to get it to rub off lol.
On his way to the loo, Lucas was like "I saw a FULL SIZED TENNIS COURT" so we decided to head up that way, get off the beaten path and it was a cool thing we did. I mainly remember someone playing a dubstep remix of I'M ON A BOAT and additionally, a glass sarcophagus procession funeral parade, held high by palanquin-bearers, with a skeleton of a cat (and 'angel mice') inside it. And then some guy stopped us and said YO WANNA GET MISTED and we were all fuck yeah, then he said well NOW you have to come and get a mojito. So go the fuck inside!

So inside you're queuing up for all these drinks, and there's people dancing to some great Gorillaz music and you're chatting with some Irish guy from Cork about how Kerry ALWAYS beats Cork in the All Ireland and Espen's being hit on by two lovely gay guys (lmao) and Lucas is drinking his mojito like the happiest guy on earth and _fresh mint_ and lime and ice!! and there's misting spray INSIDE this amazing tent. God it was awesome.

Then we left, and immediately stumbled across a huge VW art car that has even better mist. You climb up and basically they have nozzles so you can hose yourself with delicate soft icey mist and hooo fucking boy. We practically had showers. We didn't want to leave!

Although hilariously, when we left, there was some girl with a big strap dildo, standing there, drinking a beer, and thrusting it over and over, and laughing when some _real_ fat dude on a small art car stopped to watch, and he eventually yelled at her:
"Yeah well, you may have a bigger dick than me but I'VE GOT BIGGER TITS THAN YOU"
We made our way up into G I think, then back around, stopping only for me to ask a nice old chap with a life-vest covered in fruity polo sweets (lifesavers?) if I could have one and he said OF COURSE so I gave him a big hug and he looked really surprised I did :) And some people said "STOP STOP!!! TAKE THIS BEEER! IT'S THE COLDEST BEER ON THE PLAYA!"

We revisited the ball pit where some girl correctly identified me of being from Ireland based on nothing more than the way I looked - she was from Galway which was cool and kept calling me 'my irish lady' which reminded me of Lynda :) And I got stuck on the chair where this photo was taken and couldn't figure out how to get down again lol. We also spent some time just lying in the ball pit while lucas swung off the rope and dove in. And I was the king for a bit.

We got back to camp and the little girl in our camp, who was about 6 or 7, Isis, insisted on painting my face, only she had to dash half way through. She was a sweet little girl. We met up with Tarmo and Dave, and decided to all go down and check out the burning of the Man together, and was informed by our camp that at something like 1:30 on the circle around the man, we'd be able to see some of our fellow Happy Campers drumming, and doing the fireshow, and such so we got down there, and parked ourselves on the sand, second row.

Me, Tarmo and Lucas flip off the camera while we head out to see the man burn.

While we were sitting there waiting for things to get going, me sat on my huge dusty coat, Tarmo made friends with, coincidentally, some other FInnish people who were sitting right next to us which was quite crazy. Finally, after peacefully sitting and enjoying a beer, the fireshow began. Around something like 30 groups of people were dancing around the place doing insane fire things - fire people on stilts, girls with huge flaming wire skirts, umbrellas, - and the happy camp people were doing some kind of dance.

Then right before the end, loads of people in immolation suits rushed out all you know, burning like crazy, then the fireworks started. Bear in mind, we're sitting in row two of about I'd say 100,000 people? I mean at least half the attendants will go to the burning of the man? Maybe not. Either way it was EXTREMELY busy and I loved how all the art cars had parked in a big circle around the perimeter, so it was just like a little enclave of delightful lit up oddities and weirdness.

Of course, the fire works were awesome. I won't go into it too much, but you need, explosions, etcetera. But they got progressively more and more intense and insane, and finally at the end, and I had my arms linked with Lucas and Espen on the other side, and we were all going AAEGHHHHRHRHG OH MY GOD, there was a giant roman candle at the exact moment the man exploded with a huge fireball and the HEAT on your FACE and we all kind of jumped together and ducked away from the fire and started laughing and screaming at the same time. That was probably my favourite moment of the whole thing. The man burning down was great, everyone whooping and cheering, until it finally fell, and then AHHH

It's 4 seconds into this video.

We then proceeded to, after much toilet visits, and much shouting and fooling around, decide to have the best night out ever. We tried to get to Opulent Temple but failed lol, and ended up again out by 2 O CLock, which was nice as previously on the wednesday it wasn't the best time ever - I was tired, Dave was SO CONFUSED about where we were, and the dubstep was driving me crazy. I spent some time dancing on an empty picnic table outside of the Irish bar while laughing my ass off, before Tarmo was like FUCK YEAH and joined us. I must have looked completely mad. Around this point I gave my tutu to Espen - Lucas was wearing a beret and jurassic park tie and looked hilarious and Dave was in a bathrobe.

I insisted he mustn't piss on my tutu, every time he went to the loo, and god the boys had to pee a lot that night. At one point he just turned and said, in such a sincere way, "Nancy! I would never piss on your tutu" with a sad face and I believe I had to sit down from the laughing.

Espen, Tarmo and Dave having fun :)

We found a wonderful bar that was pretty much empty that had sofas, which was what I needed, and there was a guy in a full red velvet suit and Mad-Hatter Top Hat doing and INTENSE eyes-closed swooshy-arm dance in the middle of an empty space. And after we laughed at him for a while I thought fuck this, and jumped up and went to dance with him, and Lucas rushed over too. He didn't even see us for ages. Him and Lucas proceeded to dance and hug and jump all over the fucking music-club-camp-area-bar whatever for about 20 minutes, lol. His name was Mushroom and he asked us to look after his girlfriend Psychadelic Angelic Jellyfish (who was dressed like bo-peep with a 10 foot high shepardess brolly that shone multicoloured lights from underneath) while he went to get something.

The bar there was serving I think limoncello and lemon vodka with lemonade? It was some crazy lemon drink that I didn't want any of, but to get anything from the bar you had to bring a piece of MOOP (litter) you found lying around which was a novel idea. On the way back.. god this night just gets better and better... Lucas got over-excited by some crazy LED thing and while dancing around was given a DANCETRONAUT bracelet, before we jumped on an art car that had a lady on it dressed as Snow White from Ireland (i think) - funnily enough it was the same VW one as before, and it was going home, so despite our quest for crazy epic funtimes, we found ourselves deposited back at like, 3 O Clock and D or E. But this turned out to be a great thing.

While walking, the four of us, around 3am? ABSOLUETLY haggard and laughing and my voice sounding like a scratched record, we were so hungry, of course. And as if, by, complete, fucking, magic, this lady walks out of a camp. "Hey guys, do you want this French Toast?"
And it's hot french toast. And it has a bowl of chocolate maple dipping syrup. Oh my god. We WRECKED that toast. I was practically crying. I think i told her I loved her a bit too much. She seemed mildly shocked at how fucking fast we ravaged that french toast, haha. Oh god it was the best thing ever.

I'm gonna wrap up Part 2 and Sunday in the next post I reckon! This one is SO LONG ALREADY.
Photos credits from here, here and here. 

The last day

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